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I am very happy with Owam’s tutoring lessons.It was his first year in an IEB school and he only started in September with lessons.When he wrote his Maths exams in November he improved by an unbelievable 40% on his Maths.He even received an award as the Most Significantly improved Maths Learner in his class.

He is now able to answer his Maths questions and understand better.


Hi my Name is Tumi, my son’s name is Lebitsa, ever since my son started being tutored by Jigsaw Brain Tutors, he has improved his Mark’s by 10%. He used to be negative with maths but ever since I introduced him to the program he has shown so much interest in solving problems on his own. I want to thank the wonderful team of Jigsaw in all the effort that they have put ensuring that our future generation prosper in their lives. Continue doing the good work you are doing for all the children of the soil. Aluta Continua.


Wow I’m so impressed with BJT because my son’s results from grade 11 to matric increased by 40% , the tutors that were helping my son were always on time and well prepared…thank you BJT


BJ tutors have changed the way I see mathematics, I used to be one of the known struggling students in class and now my results have increased so great that I’m now one of by the top 4 learners at school in mathematics


What impressed me was your prompt responsiveness when I first made enquiry 3 years ago. Your honesty was so amazing. As for the punctuality, competitive fees and quality of your facilitation my daughter’s matric results speaks volumes given the fact that she was below average before I enlisted your services.


The tutors that have been assigned to me are easy to talk to and always go at my pace. My tutor makes Maths fun, ever since I’ve started with the Cambridge curriculum B.J. has helped to bring up my marks tremendously; since the transition, I’ve always gotten the sixties and now I’m very proud to say that I get eighties and nineties as a term mark. The tutors are also very patient and they always persist to make me understand and this makes my school career easier.
Thank you Brainy Jigsaw!

Phone: +27 71 509 4369
1 Plantation road, Auckland park
South Africa, Johannesburg 2092